Discover the most magical spots to pitch your tent or park your rig on your next Tettegouche State Park adventure.
You may not know it by name, but guaranteed if you like nature photography, you’ve seen Shovel Point. Its steep, bridge-like cliff on the shore of Lake Superior attracts photographers and nature enthusiasts alike. Wanna experience the magic? Visit its home: Tettegouche State Park. With cliffs like these, Tettegouche was bound to attract dirtbaggers from all over. Like to climb rock? Come join ‘em! Visit the 60 foot High Falls of the Baptism River and feel the spirit of nature rejoice. Remote hiking through the Sawtooth Mountains offer views made for a life time and lakes made for skinny dipping. This parks nearly 10,000 acres house accommodations from cabins to backpacking and kayaking sites open year-round. Hurry there!
If paddling under starlit skies and waking up to serene lakeside views sound idyllic, consider camping near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. A journey here offers an unspoiled Boundary Waters camping experience with ample wildlife, fishing, and wilderness exploration.