Not quite as described.
8 m Class C · With pets · Maybe they had damage from the storms, but there was no picnic tables outside 1 enclosed spot. There was only 1/2 of a table for the remaining 4 sites. The fire cans had no drainage holes, so most had rain in them & if there was fire wood available, I didn't know about it b/c the owner didn't speak to me. I spoke to her, but her communication in total was "OK thanks" during my 2 days there. My modest 29ft C Class could not fit under any of the lovely oaks b/c the branches were way too low & would have damaged my roof. The bathroom was a portapotty some distance from the sites. The outhouse would have been better if they would just do some repairs. The sites were right next to the road were semis & rancher diesel trucks ran at daybreak to sunset, so not as peaceful as described until late at night. All in all, it was a primitive camping spot that could have been better with a little attention. Just parking in a field is OK for tents, cars or popups,, but not larger camper & $30 a night is a bit pricey. Most primitive sites are a bit cheaper. BUT...the horses were beautiful to watch & the animal sounds were pleasant when the trucks didn't drown them out. The most disappointing thing of all was the absence of acknowledgment. Owner's partner greeted me on her way off the property one morning, but nothing from the owner.