RVers Be Sure You Get Site You Want
The staff were friendly, welcoming & helpful. When we arrived, we were directed to drive our Sprinter-based RV into a plug-in site that looked nothing like the one described on the HipCamp site. It had a mobile home close by on both sides where people were living with dogs. There was no view towards the mountain & town. I felt really disappointed. The plug-in didn’t test properly so Will offered to guide us to their other plug-in site. When we got there, we realized that this was the tent site with a plug-in that we had paid for. It had a view towards town & the mountain plus it was blessedly quiet! Our only companions were deer grazing among the prickly pear cactus and someone car camping in the other tent site. We had a pleasant stay. We didn’t eat in the cafe but it seemed popular. I’ll upload a few pictures of both sites. We would stay here again in the tent site w plug-in. We would not stay in the first site we were directed to. I gave feedback to staff, suggesting that they add the 2nd RV spot to their HipCamp offerings. That way RVers could choose the one they prefer.