Peaceful and unplugged
17 ft campervan
Absolutely a slice of heaven, and trust me, the view and peaceful setting is WELL worth it once you get there!! But bring your patience, and a spare tire for the dirt road you pay for (more so if you’re hauling a camper) to reach serenity. We traveled 8 hours to experience the beauty Chris & Steve are so happy to share with everyone! They weren’t kidding when they say driving too fast on the dirt road can result in a flat:(. The Golden Rd kicked our camper’s butt, but in the end, we still won!! ;) Thankfully we knew how to change it, and every person who saw us pulled over made sure we were ok. Once we arrived, we couldn’t get over the breathtaking view of the Mountains, especially Katahdin, one of our favorites!! We didn’t even have to get out of our camper to watch sunrise, it was magic!! Breakfast sure did taste better with the sun rising over the mountains…Ahhh…. We took full advantage of the fire pit with the well-seasoned wood provided every day, and as the week went on, finally decided to take the kayaks they also so generously provide, for a spin on the lake. The water temperature was unexpectedly warm (Aug4-9) and we went in multiple times a day. The bathroom was one of the cleanest ones we’ve been in, so that was a huge plus! It was such a treat to hear the loons. So awesome!! Also got to see a mama duck and her chicks on the beachfront. Absolutely adorable!!