Our hosts were great and very social and the fishing was great. We caught lots of bass with a two pounder being the biggest.
The camping spots were random and not predetermined which was fine for us as we were the only campers. It would be beneficial to have the sites marked and leveled some. The boat was doable but not in the best shape. The fiberglass boat was in need of big repair as well as the front seat. It was very cluttered with debris from trees and water in the bottom. Also there was about 10 gal of water in the back of the boat that made it difficult to empty. We had 3 people in our party and it was all we could do to pull it out of the water far enough up the bank to try and turn it over to empty it. This all would of made the stay much more appealing if it had already been taken care of. Also, there were tables and chairs tossed about the camping area like they were discarded. Campers with women in their parties would not have liked the unkemptness of the camping space or the provided boat.
With a little work and upgrading of the facilities it would be a very nice camping spot.
A concern: We woke up at 4:00 in the morning with ants all over us and the inside of our RV. We had not had this happen before. I had not noticed any ant hills when parking. We sprayed and killed hundreds of them. We found more after we returned home.