This is not a $110 a nite campsite
36 ft travel trailer · Group trip
Maybe it's me, or maybe it was the photos in ad. What I was expecting and what I saw when I arrived were two very different things. First, the photos gives the impression the campsite is right on the river bank - not so. The site is across the street and down a gravel drive which is almost invisible from the road. because the grass has grown over the gravel. A landmark or sign would have been helpful. econd, the river water at the "private kayak launch site" is stagnant with a top layer of pond scum. Fortunately there is a park on the water with a boat ramp down the street. No comms at all with Chris; there was no kayak and the touted Taj m'potty was locked. As mentioned by another reviewer, the black/gray tank dump is too far above the ground. There is no way the contents of the tanks would defy gravity to flow up and into the sewer pipe opening. The outside furniture was rustic and rusty, and the adjacent campsite (another owner I believe) 50 feet away looked like the trailer camp set where Ruth lives in "Ozarks." I had booked for five days but busted camp after two to find someplace better. I left $300 on the table but happy to take the loss to not stay there another 3 days.
My advice is beware. Ask Chris for some recent photos and a more realistic description of the campsite. If this was a $35 a nite campsite I would say you get what you pay for - but at $110 a nite, my expectations for paying a premium price were not met.